Saturday, February 13, 2010

Guitars, split pants, and the great outdoors

Today was a pretty fun day :) I woke up early and went downtown with a few friends. I have been craving pølse med vaffler (hotdog and waffle) for quite some time. There's a street vender who sells them on the walking street near the mall and they are pure heaven haha it's basically a hotdog wrapped in the traditional Norwegian heart shaped waffles. They have several topping options (jam, ketchup, etc...) but I usually opt for the ketchup and mustard. After we gorged ourselves with the delicious Norwegian treat, we made out way to the music shop in town. I ended up buying a new harmonica AND a Melodica! It's a 37 key portable organ that you operate by blowing air through a mouth piece and pressing in the keys. It's a hoot to play :)

Later on in the day I was able to attend a guitar workshop with a guitarist who played a show in Moss tonight. I'm not entirely sure of his name. Roger had told me but it's difficult to remember it without seeing it written. The workshop lasted for about an hour and it was great. We spent the time working in the D tuning and he definitely helped me broaden my knowledge of the the D tuning. I'll be experimenting with it for awhile :)

I was supposed to go to the concert tonight with Roger and his friend, but as I was getting into the back seat, my pants ripped haha It was a pretty big rip so I went back to my place to change, but when I got to my room I couldn't find any of my pants. I stood there puzzled for a moment when I realized that I had washed them but didn't put them in the dryer. All of my pants were sopping wet and I had no other nice pants (besides my frumpy running pants) to wear. So I had to miss out on the concert tonight. So instead of just sitting around, I went up to the dorms to see what the peeps were up to. a big group of us went on a little hike into the wooded area near the dorms and had a bon fire, roasted marshmallows and told ghost stories :)

Despite the ripped pants, today was a success :)

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