Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So, that head cold I was trying to ward off didn't go away. Although all of my congestion is gone, it left me with what feels like a plugged ear. My ears have been popping for the last three days and my left ear just will not pop back and its been driving me nuts. I'm planning on going to the doctor tomorrow to see what I can do. I just hope that I can get some sleep tonight because my head feels are lop sided haha That's about it for now....just an annoying ear.

1 comment:

  1. Xavier,

    buy a head of garlic and peel the entire thing. boil some water (12 oz) and through the Garlic in. let is boil for awhile. after a little while get the garlic out and squeeze a lemon or lime (whole) into the garlic tea. then drink it!!!! it does not taste like garlic. you'll be back in business in a few hours....

