Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A New Mantra

Today was a beautiful day, not just physically, but also emotionally, spiritually, etc... It was kind of an overcast day and it rained here and there, but there was definitely a certain beauty to it, and it made me feel good. Lately I've been listening to a lot of instrumental music, specifically the music from a band called Explosions In The Sky. They have an album called The World Is Not a Cold Dead Place and I've been listening to it on Spotify. The more I listen to it the more at ease I feel. It's very powerful and moving music. After listening to it on an online radio, I felt the need to search for it, and sure enough, I found a vinyl version of it at Tiger Records in Oslo, so I decided to take a spontaneous trip. I had gotten all of my work done and figured "you only live once, right?" After I bought the record, I opened it up and began looking at all the great stuff inside. It's a double LP set, meaning the music is spread over two records, but there are only three sides of music, so the blank side of the second record has doves etched into it and this phrase, "The world is not a cold dead place because you are breathing, because you are listening." and I just found that to be incredibly moving and quite fitting. There are times when we feel like our lives are the pits, things are too difficult to over come, or we just have this constant idea that life won't get better, but it can and it will. There is beauty everywhere, we just need to open our eyes to see it, perk up our ears to hear it, or hold out our hands to feel it. Beauty and love is all around us.

P.S. Mom, I know what you're thinking..."More records!?" hahaha but look at the wonderful insight I got from it ;) haha love ya.


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