Monday, May 10, 2010

My Last Week

Today marks my last full week in Norway. Classes are done and all that remains are finals. I'll be putting on my game face this week because I'll be a grading maniac. Some of my students have turned in their papers early which has been nice but I'll still have about 73 papers left to grade by the 18. My plan is to get them all done before I leave so I don't have to take any back with me so we'll see how that goes. I guess I won't be able to complain about having nothing to do this week :P

Amongst grading I'll be packing up and getting ready to make my journey back home. Words cannot describe how excited I am to get back home. I just cannot wait to be wrapped in the arms of the friends and family that I love and the surroundings I've grown up in.

In other news I've been working on yet another CD project. I just finished my 4th album called "Under Stars and Overseas" which contains all new songs that I've written while in Norway, but now I've shifted into a new direction. Lately I've really been into instrumental music, bands like Explosions In The Sky, M83, etc...and so I thought that I would try it out. So far it's been a great experience. I wanted to try this because while I love singing and using words to get my feelings or thoughts across to the listeners, I wanted to rely solely on the music. I want to compose a song that only uses music to speak rather than words, and so far it's been working I think. I only have three songs but it;s a work in progress :)

Other fun news...I'll be seeing the band Muse in October!!!!!!!! I AM SOOOOO EXCITED! They are by far one of the most incredible and talented bands out there right now. They are incredibly talented musicians who put forth a full effort in their shows. They're playing at the Target Center in Minneapolis and I'm going with three of my really good friends so it should be a wonderful experience :)

Well, I'm off o begin my day of grading. I hope everyone is doing well and I can't to see you all again!

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