Saturday, May 15, 2010

Last day in Norway - A Thank You

Words cannot even begin to describe how amazing this trip to Norway has been, but I will try my best to explain it.

When I was first told that I would be traveling to Norway for a semester, I was a little shocked and scared because I had never been out of the country before and I have never been away for such a long period of time. I mean, I've been away at school, but that's only a 4 hour drive away from home, so this was a little bit different. As the time grew closer for my travels, I became excited and nervous and probably experienced every single emotion that a human being is capable of haha. When I finally arrived in Norway it really hit me and I realized just how far away from home I was. That would usually make me feel pretty uncomfortable, but lucky for me, the people of ACN were there to welcome me and created a home away from home for me. When I first walked up to the school, I saw a sign that read, "Welcome Xavier!" I felt a sigh of relief and a smile came across my face because I felt that things were going to be okay, and they were better than okay.

Over the past 4 1/2 months I have gone though so many changes, learned so many things, and experienced something that can never be taken away. This trip has broadened my horizons and thoughts, and for that I am forever grateful. Amongst the many things that I've discovered about myself, there are several big things that stand out to me. 1.) I've seen why I love this job and what being a teacher is all about. Being a teacher has given me the opportunity to not only visit a foreign country, but it's allowed me to meet an amazing group of people. The faculty and students at ACN have become an extended family to me. I will forever cherish the time spent discussing in the classroom and hanging out outside of class and all the help that Krista, Heidi, Siv, and Colin have given me. To the students: I said this before, but I feel the need to say it again. I know that you guys are so used to me standing in front of you teaching, but you have also taught me. You've reconfirmed my thoughts of pursuing this as a career and you've shown me the real advantages of being a teacher, which is seeing my students flourish, grow, and move on to bigger amazing things. After working with you on school work and college applications and then hearing that you got accepted to the school of your choice and seeing the excitement on your faces is what makes being a teacher worth it. 2.) This trip has allowed me to grow as an individual. I used to live in a bubble. Although I was aware of the world around me, I never really took the opportunity to get to know it or experience it. Being in Norway has definitely opened my eyes and made me realize that there is a WHOLE lot of world out there, and I am merely just a little spec that's trying to live amongst it all. Through this, I've been able to grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and it's been a real blessing.

I've encountered a lot of changes in my life while here, but all of those changes have attributed to something amazing and great. Although some of them were scary or maybe difficult to deal with at the time, the negativity drifted away and worked toward building something positive. I am incredibly happy with the direction that my life is heading in and I am so so grateful for this trip and what it has done for me.

So, to wrap things up, I just want to say thank you. Thank you Krista for all of your guidance and help here at the ACN. You've made me feel right at home while being in Norway. Thank you students for educating me in life and thank you for the friendships we've built. Like I said, I feel like I'm walking away not with just fond memories of a great class, but with great friendships. I'm so proud of you all and I am honored to call you my friends.

You have all been so incredibly supportive of me and I will miss you all. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers and again, thank you for an experience of a life time. I will never forget the time I spent in Moss, Norway.


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